1- The legend of Zelda 1986 (NES):
2- The adventure of Link 1987 (NES):
3- A Link to the past 1991 (SNES):
4- Link´s awakening 1993 (GB):
5- Ocarina of time 1998 (N64):
6- Majora´s Mask 2000 (N64):
7- Oracle of seasons / Ages 2001 (GBC):
8- The wind waker 2002 (GC):
9- Four swords 2003 (GBA):
10- Four swords adventures 2004 (GC):
11- The minish cap 2004 (GBA):
12- Twilight princess 2006 (GC / Wii):
13- Phantom hourglass 2007 (NDS):
14- Spirit tracks 2009 (NDS):
15- Skyward sword 2011 (Wii):
16- Link between words 2013 (N3DS):
17- Tri force heroes 2015 (N3DS):
18- Breath of the wild 2017 (WiiU / Switch):